Generate Folder is a small application to help end users to create files to folder from File Names in Windows OS. GenerateDir.exe works with simple right click with the file that you want to put in New Folder with same name and multiple files in different folder/directory or separate folders. The program works well for the folders or directories as well to move to a single folder.
For easy usage:
Just Drag and drop files or folders to GenerateDir.exe to work and it doesn’t required to install the application unless you can’t drag them always.
After installation end user can easily access the Generate Folder through windows shell context menu “Sendto”. The Application is light and portable, it also supports command line arguments for making folder from file.
To Install “Generatedir.exe”, copy this file to any folder and run command prompt from that folder by pressing down Shift Key+Right Mouse Click will show “Open command window here”. Then enter Generatedir.exe /in for installation after some process installation will complete. For Uninstall use Generatedir.exe /un.
Alternate way for Usage:
Create Generatedir.exe shortcut in Sendto Folder.
To Open SendTo Folder, open command prompt and type, shell:sendto
Run Command – Shell:SendTo
After completion of installation, right click any file and select Send To > Generate Folder. If you select only single file, Folder will be created and the file will move to newly created folder. If you select multiple files, prompt will ask for folder name to move all files into that folder, or you can create each file in separate folders.
Generate Folder
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